Welcome challengers to
In Pursuit of Victory!
April 1st, 2024
Application Closed!
Contributor Applications are officially closed for In Pursuit of Victory! A Pokémon Battle Facility zine!
Thank you to everyone who submitted an application! We are very excited to move onto grading them all and we just wanted to say that regardless of results, you all have done excellently. It's an incredibly brave thing to put yourself forward like this, and we are proud of all of you! Best of luck to everyone, you shall hear back from us on April 9th at around 5:00 PM EST!
March 19th, 2024
Contributor Applications deadline has been extended!
That's right, Challengers! We have decided due to expressed interest in the project to extend our Contributor Applications to March 31st where they will end at 11:59 PM EST! Our schedule remains otherwise unaffected due to this change, as Acceptance/Reject emails will still go out on April 9th, at 5:00 PM EST.
You can review our Contributor Application Guidelines here before applying!
đź”—Artist/Merch Application đź”—Writing ApplicationFebruary 20th, 2024
Contributor Applications are now Open!Our Contributor Apps will run from February 20th to March 24th where it will officially close at 11:59 PM EST. We are looking for Page Artists, Writers, and Digital Merch Artists. You can review our Contributor Application Guidelines info doc before submitting your application.
🔗Artist/Merch Application 🔗Writing ApplicationWe wish all of you the best of luck, Challengers! We’re excited to see what you all have in store for us!
February 16th, 2024
Application Guidelines
*For artists, we accept traditional artwork, however, it is expected that those samples will be scanned at a DPI of 300 or higher.
*You may apply to multiple positions, but note that you will only be accepted for just one.
*Viewing permissions must be visible to the mods, if they aren’t we will have to skip your application as we will not be reaching out to request access.
Note: Applicants may not submit works that involved AI assistance of any kind; any applicant or contributor found having used AI will be removed from the zine promptly.

Artists will be asked to provide THREE (3) individual sample pieces. We're specifically looking for:
*At least one of these three pieces to be related to the Pokémon franchise. The characters or Pokémon featured do not necessarily have to be related to those featured in a Battle Facility, although we do highly encourage it.
*We suggest that you link pieces that showcase your skill in character-focused illustrations and/or with complex backgrounds.
*Please link pieces that demonstrate your current style or the style that you intend to use for the zine.
*All samples must be SFW as this is a strictly SFW zine.

Writers will be asked to provide THREE (3) individual sample pieces through viewable links. We're specifically looking for:
*At least one of these three pieces to be related to the Pokémon franchise. The characters or Pokémon featured do not necessarily have to be related to those featured in a Battle Facility, although we do highly encourage it.
*Your samples must be within the zines maximum word limit of 4,000 words. Excerpts from longer works are allowed as well as works shorter than the zines minimum word limit of 1,500 words such as drabbles or flash-fiction.
*Please link pieces that demonstrate your current writing style or the style that you intend to use for the zine.
*All samples must be SFW as this is a strictly SFW zine. Likewise, please provide accurate content tags or warnings for each sample that you have linked.

It is not required for applicants to have a separate merch portfolio, however, this will greatly enhance your chances of getting accepted.
Digital Merch Artists will be asked to provide THREE (3) individual sample pieces of the type of merch that you would like to make.
The type of merch that we will feature in the zine are:
*Discord Emotes
*Wallpapers (Phone, Desktop, Tablet, etc.)
*Printables (Bookmarks, Coloring Pages, etc.)
February 14th, 2024
Interest Check Results! An in-depth look.
Happy Valentine's Day, Challengers! We are proud to present to you—straight from the boardroom of the Facility Heads over here at In Pursuit of Victory!—the results of the Interest Check we held!

Across the 4 weeks our survey was open we received 64 total submissions from interested people like you. We actually received 30 results in the first 24 hours of the check going live. This was actually our original minimum goal! We here are so thankful for everyone who took the time to fill out the Interest Check!

It's so exciting to see just how many people are as excited as we are for this project. As you can see we received a staggering amount of positive responses! Very Interested and Slightly Interested make up a total of over 90% of the results!

We are very happy to see so many people who are looking to take part in the creation process. Out of 64 responses 47 voice interest in creating works to be featured in or with the zine. Of course, we're very happy to welcome those who are just here to support us as well.

Due to the nature of being a free digital zine, we don't have that many options in the way of extras. Thankfully, the community came up with some very fun ideas we here on the team didn't even think of. Coloring pages were actually suggested multiple times by responses, alongside other printables like bookmarks and stationary.

We are ever so grateful to everyone who filled one out, seriously we were blown away by how much enthusiasm and interest for the project you all showed! And we are even more excited to remind you all that our Contributor Applications open in less than a week on February 20th! Guidelines for what is expected of each role will be released on the 16th, so check back in in two days! See you all then!
February 6th, 2024
Our Interest Check form is now officially closed!
Thank you to everyone who submitted a response! Through all of your support we were able to make double our original goal of interest to move forward with the zine!
The Interest Check results will come out on the 14th and Contributor Applications will officially begin on February 20th and will close on March 24th!
January 8th, 2024
The Interest Check for In Pursuit of Victory!: A Pokémon Battle Facility Zine is NOW OPEN!Welcoming all challengers, this zine will be wholly dedicated to showing appreciation and love for the various Pokémon Battle Facilities that have been featured spanning across the generations! From the bosses who run them and the challengers they face off against to even the facilities themselves, we hope to showcase a variety of stories and illustrations about these dearly beloved facilities.
To help us gauge whether to go forward with the project, please fill out our INTEREST CHECK!